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Anoka/Elk River Slip and Fall Injuries Attorney

Slip-and-fall injuries can result in extremely serious injuries. Due to rapidly changing conditions, it is extremely important to gather and preserve evidence as soon as possible following a slip-and-fall injury. We will attempt to obtain photographs of the dangerous condition, before it is altered. We will also attempt to obtain any video of the fall, before the surveillance tape is erased or destroyed. More than any other area, early investigation in slip and fall case is of critical importance.

Slip & Fall Injuries

To recover money for injury victims in slip-and-fall cases, you must establish that the condition responsible for the injury was the result of negligence or carelessness by the landowner and that, despite being aware of it, the owner failed to take preventive action.

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen nearly anywhere, but most claims involve soft-tissue injuries, sprains, strains and fractures suffered on the premises of:

  • Grocery stores
  • Retail stores
  • Restaurants
  • Gas stations

Free Cases Consultation

Our law firm represents clients throughout Minnesota. If you or someone you know has been seriously injured, contact Mark W. Malzahn today for a free case consultation. With offices in Anoka and Elk River, we have a location near you. Call our Anoka office at 763-421-2160 or our Elk River office at 763-441-4040 and speak to attorney Mark W. Malzahn.